The adventure began at 4:45am in the parking lot of Pelican Pub. After a quick briefing from Mark, he took us on a quick drive through the sand, gave us a seamless launch and we were off. Within minutes we were catching Rockfish. There were five of us fishing and we caught our limit of five each within 30min. It was rapid fire and we even got two fish on one line, not once but twice! After the excitement, we went to go get some crab. We raised the first pot and had over 20 crabs in one shot. Needless to say we had our limit within a few minutes and we were off to our next for salmon. The salmon were just as active. We probably caught 15 total and were able to keep 3. Lots of excitement netting the salmon and they kept us on our toes. Overall it was an amazingly successful day with 25 Rockfish, 48 crabs and 3 salmon. The weather cooperated with beautiful sunshine and the waves were tolerable especially if you take motion sickness meds prior. After the fishing fun, Mark invited us to his home where he cleaned and cracked the crab/fish and packaged it to our request. Couldn't think of a better way to end the experience than eating as much crab as you can handle! Mark is very knowledgeable, helpful and experienced. It was a great experience and would highly recommend!