pacific city fishing guide. I got a birthday card to go dory fishing for my birthday with Captain Mark and his buddies. So for several weeks I eagerly awaited going with them. My Nana also came with me. We got up at 4:30 in the morning and met Mark at around 5:30. We got into the boat and launched off and drove off the beach for about 20 minutes before casting our lines and casting for rock fish. We caught our limit in about 15 minutes, about 35 fish for everyone in the boat. My Nana caught two ling cod. We moved the boat and tried for more ling cod but didn't get any more. It was smokey from wild fires burning inland, and the swells were really big. Mark pulled open the bag of potato chips we'd brought and we snacked while fishing for ling cod and halibut, without any luck. Then we drove by Haystack Rock and pulled two crab pots for a total of two dozen crabs. Then we headed to Captain Mark's to cook the crab and fillet the fish. That was my favorite fishing experience ever!