Dory trailer for sale soon

Dory trailer for sale soon

Another successful fishing trip the company could not be better we keep coming back year after year you must try it we limited it out on Crab Lingcod and black cod.

Pacific city fishing

Pacific city fishing Oregon coast star fish

8th Grade Field Trip

Starting with a 5:00 am wake up call, I went straight from bed to the boat. The question of the day was what to wear and in about 5 minutes I realized I was not wearing enough. With wind and waves being my biggest enemy of the day, I wish I had brought a warm pair of gloves and waterproof pants...

Birthday catch

From the first greeting bright and early, I knew this was going to be a great trip. Mark and Marcus were awesome! Friendly and fun! They made it so easy and comfortable so you can enjoy it! Great fishing and great company. Linda was such a great help too! She kept us up to date with our trip an...