Getting up with 3 boys at o'dark thirty to spend hours potentially puking into the ocean wasn't exactly my idea of a good time, but I reluctantly agreed. We woke up at 4 am, loaded up and headed out. As we ventured out towards the sea in the dark we were excited, but also feeling a bit nervous. The clouds were thick, the wind was blowing and the waters looked moody and temperamental. We had no idea what we were going to get, if anything. Luck was on our side, though, and almost immediately after we dropped our lines the fish started biting. Mac caught the first one, then Trent, Mike and Casey. Holden helped reel two in with Mike shortly after. For the next hour we kept Mark running around the boat. The ocean was rocking and so was our fishing game. We limited out a mere two hours after we started. The boys were pumped. We made it back to shore as the sun was starting to shine...everyone smiling, happy and feeling accomplished. Best. Morning. Ever! img_2558.jpg