My buddy called me up and asked if I wanted to go fishing with Pacific City Fishing. I said “Sure! Sounds great!” He immediately replied with, “Ok, good, cuz you are young and you are going to help push the boat in the water through the surf until we could get the motor in the water and then you would hop in.” Was getting soaked part of this fishing trip?Turns out my buddy was lying. Pacific City Fishing took care of everything from getting the boat launched off the beach to supplying all of the gear. Out on the water, our guides, Mark and Dan first checked the crab pots dropped the day before then get us out to the first fishing spot, with the depth and fish finders guiding us. My first bait drop immediately resulted in a catch within the first 5 seconds. A nice sized rockfish. Within the first two hours our party of 6 limited out on Rockfish and we headed out to deeper water for Lingcod. Within another two hours we caught our limit, checked back on more crab pots and returned to shore. What a day! Beautiful sunny weather on glassy water with barely any wind. In January! Oh, by the way I got back to shore totally dry.