Monday, May 4th, 2015
pacificcityfishing dory boat.
Day started out like any other charter day, nice and early. Met up with mark at the Pelican Pub, hopped in the boat and held on tight as we headed down to the beach. Launch was exciting, but smooth. Took a short boat ride to our fishing destination and started fishing and catching right away. First up, a nice lincod. Then some black bass and blue rock fish. Mark was helpful with the lessons for Ashleigh, she ended up catching the most fish that morning. Reached our limit with bass and rock and moved on to jigging for cod. Lots of action on the herring and limited out by 7:30. Pretty great day. Ride back, stopped by Haystack Rock for some pictures. And then an awesome ride back to the beach. So much fun and lots of fish! Thanks Mark - a bunch.