I caught a lucky orange fish

I was talking about catching a orange fish, while we were Lingcod fishing than I had a hard bite so I reeled and reeled and saw color and it was orange!!. So we brought it up with the net and I had caught what I wanted. Not much later I had felt sick and puked. Then I took a nap on the front of the...

Trappers Day

Started the day before the sun was up. The crew was ready, so off we went. The weather forecasted wind, but it turned into a awesome day on the water. First order of business was bottom fishing. Right off the bat all aboard got into the action. The boat was limited in about an hour. Next we're Lingc...

New video

New video pacificcityfishing.com: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0u9S3OhpgIA

An August Morning

The sun rose from the east with a fluorescent orange glow. We loaded the boat and headed on our way. Captain Mark called for a bounty of 30 Rockfish. We raced to fill the boat with the fish and before we knew it we had our captain's request. The sun is still rising over head and the neon sky is turn...

Birthday for Dad

The sun came up and we already caught a bunch of Rock Fish. Then we trolled for salmon and caught some great keepers. The icing to the cake was pulling up some great big crabs. Sushi and fish for our family of four ....can't ask for a better day on the water with Captain Mark and Rod