More fish and more fun

I hadn’t gone fishing much before and never in the ocean so I didn’t know what to expect. The captain was great though and was patient with me while I figured it out. I ended up catching some rockfish and a really big fish right at the end. It was very fun (also the sunrise was beautiful).

Lots of fish and fun

Today was really cool. I got up really early to get to the beach at 4:30 AM. we went out on the boat and got out to the spot. It was still dark, and there’s a big pretty rock in the ocean.

Fun Day Out!

Good day out, outstanding guide and service. But ready for an early morning and Oregon weather….and lots of fish!

Father’s Day 4th annual cousin trip

Caught my first ling cod with live bait with marks coaching finally got him to net finesse fishing at its best

Stormy day

Stormy day in Pacific city Oregon